Monday 28 December 2015

Water- a boon of life

water treatment plants in India
The earth’s two-thirds of a surface is covered with water and the body of a human contains seventy percent of it. It checks all the land activities like it regulates all the activities of the earth, the same way it regulates all the activities of fluids and minerals in the human body as well. An average body of a human has almost forty-three liters of water in which if he loses even 2.7 percent can lead to dehydration, fatigue, nervousness, weakness, headaches, dizziness and other symptoms like of irritability. Whatever it is, directly or indirectly water affects every facet of life. Without water, there would be no land, no vegetation and basically nothing. The way the earth looks today if would have been without water would have looked way too different. It is highly necessary as in order to keep the human body and the environment healthy and working. Thus, it should be valued and should be protected as it’s a very precious resource. Thus, the water is treated and for that reason water treatment plants in India are introduced and are worked on really well.